Forgiveness Meditation

Spiritual evolution isn’t just about us but its also how we relate to others
— Eddie Stern
Sit in a comfortable position either sitting up or lying down.If sitting up you have the option to grab a pillow to sit on to elevate the hips. You also can sit next to a wall so you can lean on it for support.Focus on your breathe. Feel the movemen…

Sit in a comfortable position either sitting up or lying down.

If sitting up you have the option to grab a pillow to sit on to elevate the hips. You also can sit next to a wall so you can lean on it for support.

Focus on your breathe. Feel the movement in your lungs and belly.

5 Counts in5 Counts outrepeat breathe 10x

then continue the meditation.

If at any point you feel resistance, honor the feeling and discontinue this meditation.